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  • Writer's pictureTim Hemingway

Be a Prayer Partner with Us

We would like to invite you to pray with us about futures. Coronavirus has been a monumental event in our history and has changed the world, perhaps forever. When events like these happen, they cause us to wonder at the Lord's ways and to reflect on the truth that God's Kingdom is still being realised. We want to follow Jesus' parting commission to his disciples, that we live lightly to this world and that we go into it and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28).

We believe that we now have a God-given opportunity to reach the lost, advance the kingdom of God and use our lives well for His glory. Acts 11 verses 19-21 records a significant response by the early believers after the death of Stephen by stoning. Some of those who had been scattered began telling the good news about the Lord Jesus to the Greeks in Antioch (v.20), and Luke tells us the Lord's hand was with them and a great number of people believed and turned to the Lord.

During the past year a scattering of sorts has taken place amongst us also. Some of you who are reading this prayer request currently find yourselves, along with us, without a local church, and like us you may be wondering what the Lord might have in store for your lives next.

Since we believe in the prevailing providence of God, we ought not to think this is a random freak event, but that within the seeming chaos, there exists an all-wise, all-glorious, all-gracious plan for us. That leads us to wonder if the Lord might have a design for some of us to step out in faith, like the believers who went to Antioch, and establish a work for the Lord that would reach lost souls with the good news about Jesus.

We believe the New Testament makes it clear that the way that believers are equipped to undertake that kind of radical gospel goal is by being planted in a local church where roots can go deep, where souls are nourished, where Christian growth happens, and where gospel fruit is borne.

Rather than look for new churches to become members of, we are wondering if the Lord would have us plant a new local church somewhere here in West Yorkshire. To that end, we would invite you to pray earnestly for the next month, starting March 1st, about the following crucial matters, in the hope that the Lord will show us what the shape of a new church might look like.

Therefore, please pray with us for:

  1. God's glory and honour to be magnified in the decisions we make about our futures.

  2. A clear leading from the Lord to a community, like the Greeks in Antioch, who are without God and without hope in the world.

  3. Gifted and burdened brothers and sisters.*

  4. Unity around the constitution of a new church.**

  5. A physical place to meet together.

  6. The financial resources needed to establish such a work.

These seem to be the most pressing matters that require earnest prayer and a leaning on the Lord for wisdom, guidance and leading. Anything that is started without prayer will be a leaning on our own strength and understanding and will accomplish nothing of lasting significance for the Lord. But, by beseeching him to grant strength and wisdom, we will be able to serve in the strength that He supplies, so that in all things, He might get the glory.

May the Lord be pleased to bless us as we seek to do His will, for His glory and the extension of His kingdom. ___________________________________________________________________________ *By gifted we mean that the Lord would bring together a group of people with a diverse gift set as the Holy Spirit sees fit to give. And, by burdened we mean people who feel the need and desire to undertake such a venture. **By constitution we mean the doctrinal and governmental DNA of the church.


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