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  • Writer's pictureDaniel Grimwade

Two Ways to Live


'But thanks be to God that, though you used to be slaves to sin, you have come to obey from your heart the pattern of teaching that has now claimed your allegiance.' Romans 6:17

One leads to death, the other to eternal life.

Romans 6:15-7:5 is continuing to argue a Christian cannot go on sinning as they belong to Jesus now: v16-22.

  1. Two masters: sin and God

No one is free, we all have a master - either sin or God: v16-22

a) All born a slave to sin: v16

b) Jesus came to set us free: v17

We cant go on sinning; we are now under God: v18. he sests us free: v22.

2. Two conditions of service: wages vs gifts

a) Sin pays wages demanded by the law: v21, 7:5

Sin is a deceitful master, it promises lots, doesn't deliver, and ends in death.

b) God gives gifts flowing from his grace

What about the law? 7:1-6

Once dead the law no longer applies: v1

Example of marriage: v2-3

We have died to sin in Jesus Christ: v4

Whole dynamic of life is different now: v6

3. Two destinations: death vs eternal life:

Each is consistent with character of its master:

a) Sin pays wages of death

b) God gives eternal life

Conclusion: which destination is yours?

Whoever comes to Jesus has eternal life.

As a Christian you are under a new master who gives gifts!


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